Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Hello. Have you all been watching the Olympics as much as I have? We have literally been watching constantly because they are my favorite sports event to watch. gymnastics and swimming in particular are my favorite sports. I'm sure much of the country feels the same. In honor of the Olympics, I thought I'd share some of my favorite sports shots I have taken with you. Sports was not my area of expertise in college but I do like to dip my toe into them every now and then. If you've been following my blog, you know I love shooting Special Olympics Sports. I have also done some shooting for the Muleskinner during college.
Sports are hard to shoot because you need a fast lens and the lighting isn't always the best like if you are in the gym or in my experience, I have found bowling to be the worst to shoot. You can't use flash at a bowling alley because it triggers the machines to reset. Football is nice because it is outside but you have to anticipate the action more. In football, you are usually running up and down the sidelines. In golf, you have to walk along with the players. Basketball and volleyball are fun to shoot because they're so fast paced but harder to get focused images without a very fast lens. Swimming is fun to shoot because you get some interesting facial expressions as the athletes are completing their strokes. Cheerleading is for sure my favorite to photograph. I have never gotten the opportunity to photograph gymnastics or figure skating, but I would love to some day.
I feel very lucky when I get to photograph the SOMO athletes. They feel like a celebrity when they are up on the podium and I love getting to capture that moment on their face. Being apart of the 2010 and 2014 USA Games has let me get the opportunity to photograph the famous tennis player, Andy Roddick, and the basketball player, Jason Thompson. Unfortunately I never met Andy in person but I was near Jason Thompson enough to get a picture and get a signed towel for Derrick. I would love the opportunity to photograph more athletes including Michael Phelps and Simone Biles.
Below are some of my shoots from the Muleskinner and SOMO events. I hope to expand my sports portfolio in the future.

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